Tuesday, February 25, 2014

OH&S Manual

Company Profile

OSH-ISIS Integrated Solution is a company specializing in Quality, Environment, Health and Safety Services. Our staffs are the assets of our growth.
We have with us well trained personnel who have had experience working in multinational companies and attended numerous training and courses overseas.
Our past experiences with our customers led us to extend our services in the area of Quality, Environment, Health and Safety services.
We offer a comprehensive range of services through our qualified and accredited professionals with relevant Industry background. 

Scope of OH&S Operation / Certification

The scope of the Occupational Safety and Health, pursued by OSH ISIS Integrated Solution is <name of activity>

OH&S General Mapping

OH&S Policy


OH&S Objective, Program & Target

Improvements in safety and health performance within the OH&S are achieved through objectives and targets. As defined in OHSAS 18001, OH&S objective is an overall occupational safety and health goal, arising from the OH&S policy, that company sets itself to achieve and which is quantified where practicable. And, an OH&S target is a detailed performance requirement, quantified where practicable, applicable to the company or parts thereof, that arises from the HSE objectives and that needs to be set and met in order to achieve those objectives.

Therefore, the OH&S objective and target of company can be as follows;


Objective / program


Frequency of monitoring



Incident Rate

a). Fatality

b). Lost Time Injury

c). Lost Work Day Cases

d). Restricted Work Day Cases

0 incident rate




Maintain a full compliance with requirement of legal and other requirement

100% compliance




Environmental performance

-          Minimizing the electricity consumption

5% reduction based from 2011 data



OH&S Process mapping and Interaction

OH&S Documentation
Resources, Roles, Responsibility and Authority
Management Review

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