- Compliance to clause of OHSAS18001: Incident Investigation
- Subject for compliance to the following laws
- Occupational Safety And Health (Notification Of Accident,Dangerous Occurrence, Occupational Poisoning And Occupational Disease)Regulations 2004; Regulation 5. Notification and reporting of accident and dangerous occurrence or NADOPOD Regulation
- Occupational Safety and Health (Safety and Health Committee)Regulations 1996; Regulation 13. Investigation into any accident, etc.
- Applied to all activity and operational running at <name of organization>
- Ill health: identifiable, adverse physical or mental condition arising from and/or made worse by a work activity and/or work-related situation these (OHSAS 18001:2007, Clause 3.8
- incident: work-related event(s) in which an injury or ill health (3.8) (regardless of severity) or fatality occurred, or could have occurred (OHSAS 18001:2007, Clause 3.9)
- DOSH: Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Malaysia
- OHD: DOSH registered medical practitioner
- NADOPOD: Occupational Safety and Health (Notification of Accident, Dangerous Occurrence,, Occupational Poisoning and Occupational Disease) Regulation 2004
- Serious Injury: Serious bodily injury, as specified in First Schedule under NADOPOD Regulation, which prevents the person from following his normal occupation for more than four calendar days (As specified in Reg. 5, NADOPOD)
- Minor Injury: Whenever any accident arising out of or in connection with work which causes bodily injury to any person which prevents the person from following his normal occupation for more than four calendar days. (As specified in Reg. 5, NADOPOD)
- Poisonous: A suffer from one of the occupational poisonings or occupational diseases specified in column 1 of Third Schedule under NADOPOD Regulation and the work involves one of the activities specified in the corresponding entry in column 2 of that schedule. (As specified in Reg. 7, NADOPOD)
- Property Damage: where a dangerous occurrence, as specified in Second Schedule under NADOPOD Regulation. (As specified in Reg. 5, NADOPOD)
- First aid case: Whenever any accident arising out of or in connection with work which causes bodily injury to any person which prevents the person from following his normal occupation for not more than four calendar days.
- Property: A property of company with in the physical form of machinery, transporting and electronically lifting medium or any permitted, licensed and approved machine defined in section 3 of FMA or equivalent facility defined in OSHA 94.
- Responsibility: <define the function>
- Accountability:<define the function>
- Authority: <define the function>
- Responsibility: <define the function>
- Accountability: <define the function>
- Authority: <define the function>
- Responsibility <define the function>
- Accountability <define the function>
- Authority <define the function>
- Action for incident is depending on severity of the accident as following accident description and action necessary;
- Accident description: Death
- Action:
- Immediately to contact Ambulance or lodge a Police report or/and other necessary mitigation in obligatory of laws;
- Immediately notify DOSH
- Corrective measures ations per SOP: Nonconformity, corrective action and preventiveaction.
- Within 7 days send a report (JKKP 6) thereof in an approved form to DOSH
- Discuss and review the measures during safety meeting.
- Reported in JKKP 8 Form for annual submission to DOSH
- Accident description: Serious Injury
- Action:
- Immediately to contact Ambulance or send victim to hospital, lodge a Police report or/and other necessary mitigation in obligatory of laws;
- Immediately notify DOSH
- Corrective measures as per SOP: Nonconformity, corrective action and preventive action.
- Within 7 days send a report (JKKP 6) thereof in an approved form to DOSH
- Discuss and review the measures during safety meeting.
- Reported in JKKP 8 Form for annual submission to DOSH
- Accident description: Minor Injury
- Action:
- Immediately to contact Ambulance, or send victim to hospital or/and other necessary mitigation in obligatory of laws;
- Corrective measures as per SOP: Nonconformity, corrective action and preventive action.
- Within 7 days, send a report (JKKP 6) thereof in an approved form to the Department of Occupational Safety and Health office to DOSH
- Discuss and review the measures during safety meeting.
- Reported in JKKP 8 Form for annual submission to DOSH
- Accident description: Poisonous
- Action:
- Corrective measures as per SOP: Nonconformity, corrective actionand preventive action.
- Within 7 days send a report (JKKP 6) thereof in an approved form to DOSH - Notify OHD or medical officer and reporting to DOSH within 7 days.
- Discuss and review the measures during safety meeting.
- Reported in JKKP 8 Form for annual submission to DOSH
- Accident description: First Aid Case
- Action:
- Corrective measures as per SOP: Nonconformity, corrective action and preventive action.
- Discuss and review the measures during safety meeting
- Accident description: Near Miss
- Action:
- Corrective measures as per SOP: Nonconformity, corrective action and preventive action.
- Discuss and review the measures during safety meeting
- Accident description: Property Damage
- Action:
- Immediately notify DOSH
- Corrective measures as per SOP: Nonconformity, corrective actionand preventive action.
- Within 7 days send a report (JKKP 6) thereof in an approved form.;
- JKKP 6
- JKKP 8
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